Sunday, August 17, 2008

He Found Us

Annie had a habit of dawdling and chided herself. She got separated from her friends and wasn’t sure how to get back to them. They were vacationing and exploring the marble quarry and ghost town in Marble Colorado.

Annie opened her floral purple tote to see if they had enough food for later. Her eyes found an apple, a banana and a sandwich, a few peanuts and a full Dasani water bottle. It wasn’t much for a meal, but it would have to do.

A bird shrieked from within the scraggly branches of an ancient aspen. Annie scanned the condition of the sky. The sun had veiled itself behind dark, gloomy clouds overhead.

Concerned that she and Billy may get wet, Annie was determined to reach the abandoned miner’s cabin near the quarry.

Lightening split the air and the thunder rumbled. Annie's heart pounded in her ears. Billy tagged behind her so she stopped until he caught up. “Billy hold my hand okay? It looks like it’s going to rain so we need to find cover.”

The pines that lined the path swayed two and fro. Billy pulled away and ran ahead, laughing. “This is fun Annie. We’re on a ‘venture.”

A fallen tree blocked their path so Annie hurdled the toppled trunk that Billy had already scrambled over. The wind whipped and blistered her cheeks. Annie stooped to tie her shoe that kept coming undone. Yeah a great ‘venture.

“Billy, wait up for me. See that hut up ahead? Let’s race to see who gets their first before we get drenched.”

“Okay, but I’ll beat you.” Billy yelled.

Annie reached the porch just before the clouds poured water like an open faucet. Annie touched the door of the grisly looking cabin and it creaked open.

Annie scanned the room. A mouse scurried across the floor with Billy right behind on all fours. Spider-webs draped the sparse furniture, walls and ceiling. Branches began to screech across the windowpane, which caused her to shudder.

Billy rose from the floor and sat in one of the rickety wooden chairs. “Are you scared, Annie? It’s getting dark outside.”

Annie was frightened, but she didn’t want Billy to know. “Come here Billy. We’ll be all right. Someone will come looking for us. If we have to stay her all night at least there’s a candle and some matches. There’s an old bed over there in the corner if we get tired. Let’s pray that someone will find us soon, okay?”

Four-year-old Billy got down on his knees and felt for Annie’s hand. Annie knelt also and was about to pray, but before she could begin she heard, “Dear Lord Jesus, we’re scared. We’re lost. Please come find us. In Jesus’ name, ah…”

There was a knock at the door. Billy hurried to answer it. He opened the door and an elderly man with long hair and a beard stood before Billy on the step. "Annie, it's Jesus. He found us."