Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Just An Ordinary Child?

Baby lies within the hay,
Looks like others some would say.

Just a child like one of us,
A common boy - what's the fuss?

Come look closer you will see,
Reasons for the joy and glee.

Shepherds watch their sheep by night,
Angel’s presence quite the sight,
Praising God Emmanuel,
Christ the Lord they did foretell.

Babe in cloths to be a sign,
Savior, Christ, the Lord divine,
Good news, great joy, to proclaim,
Kindness, mercy, feels no shame.

Peace on whom His favor rests,
All are called to be His guests.

Gone to Bethlehem to see,
Witness of divine decree.

Shout to Him who dwells on high,
God with us, come see, draw nigh.

Mary, Joseph, babe asleep,
Crowded ‘round a cow and sheep.

Shepherds joy, they spread the news,
Of the Savior to the Jews.

Thankful for things seen and heard,
Startled over what occurred.

Mary pondered all these things,
In her heart, her spirit sings.

Prophesied some many years,
In the night a star appears,
Leads the Magi to the spot,
Gifts for Him, the little tot.

Glory to our God and King,
Open palms to Him we bring.

Just a simple, common child?
I think not I said and smiled.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Advent by Keith Wallis

Still some weeks off ‘til glory day,
child and manger, God and hay.
Angels, shepherds, gifts and kings
wait impatient in the wings.
And me and mine ? What of us ?
Do we engage in all this fuss,
or do we, as we ought to do
use this time to prepare for You.

If you enjoy this poem, please visit the website of Keith Wallis, a word sculpture. I've learned a lot from him.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Torn Curtain

I watch from behind the torn curtain. Minutes pass. I hear the tick, tick, tick of the clock on the wall in front of me. The pitch-black room closes in on me.

I hear soft footsteps coming towards me. As I peer through the ripped material, my eye darts from right to left, scanning as much of the room as possible. I crouch lower in case Esh sees my eye. The footsteps stop.

I raise my body, eye level with the opening in the curtain. The air, heavy, sucks at my breath. My lungs narrow. I take in a short breath. My whole body shakes, my skin crawls. I rub my arms to smooth out the goose bumps.

Is it Esh? I can’t see. I hear soft footsteps, again. My heart races; beating against my ribs. My blood rushes, pulsates – pounding my eardrums. Will Esh find me? The tap of feet cease their contact with the floor. I hold my breath. I let it out slow, quiet. My forehead beads. I should run.

The drapes glide to the left in slow motion. I raise my eyes to the dark form towering me. Esh glares, his gaze stabs my heart. Oh no. It’s him. He's going to kill me.

Black-coal eyes afire with hate pierce my soul. I dash to the right of him, but his gloved hand grabs my arm and pulls me to his chest. He grabs my neck with his viselike claws. He squeezes pressing his fingers into my throat. I gasp. He jerks me to the left, then right; my head bobs, rolls and flops backward. I drop to the floor.

I lay there on the cold-planked floor. Seconds pass. I wait. I don't hear anything except heavy breathing.

Then, I hear applause. Esh grabs my arm. I’m under his spell, he pulls me towards him. I allow him to lift me from the floor. I have no choice.

More clapping. We bow in unison, raking in the applause, hearing, “bravo, encore". I scan the crowd, glance over at Esh, smile and bow again.

Monday, October 6, 2008

As Silver Refined

As Silver, Refined

God’s ways are so mysterious,
His wonders to perform.

He walks the water’s surface sure,
His presence calms the storm.

If darkened clouds assail the soul,
There’s naught for you to dread.

His Word comforts to see you through,
His presence crowns your head.

He’s near to those who fear His name,
To offer gifts of grace.

He gives us courage, guiding light,
For trials that we face.

When rolling waves come crashing in,
Transcending ocean’s shore.

Release your doubt don't fear the storm,
That crouches at your door.

Quick grasp His arm with all your strength,
You’re in His tender care.

Accept His grace that’s yours today,
Each burden He will bear.

Jesus, precious Savior, Friend,
You give us peace of mind.

We'll make it through this life unscathed,
As silver that’s refined.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Voices of Love

Voices of Love

Angels wings spread,
scream to glorious I Am.
Sing above the expanse and below,
"Hallelujahs to the King"
saying holy is the Lamb,
worship worthy Trinity.
Voices of love
whisper precious promises
there is one God -
Rainbow’s clear display,
presents continuous color,
reaching through the firmament.
Salvation says, "Come!
I'll return in midair -
enter eternities presence,
safely home."

Sunday, August 17, 2008

He Found Us

Annie had a habit of dawdling and chided herself. She got separated from her friends and wasn’t sure how to get back to them. They were vacationing and exploring the marble quarry and ghost town in Marble Colorado.

Annie opened her floral purple tote to see if they had enough food for later. Her eyes found an apple, a banana and a sandwich, a few peanuts and a full Dasani water bottle. It wasn’t much for a meal, but it would have to do.

A bird shrieked from within the scraggly branches of an ancient aspen. Annie scanned the condition of the sky. The sun had veiled itself behind dark, gloomy clouds overhead.

Concerned that she and Billy may get wet, Annie was determined to reach the abandoned miner’s cabin near the quarry.

Lightening split the air and the thunder rumbled. Annie's heart pounded in her ears. Billy tagged behind her so she stopped until he caught up. “Billy hold my hand okay? It looks like it’s going to rain so we need to find cover.”

The pines that lined the path swayed two and fro. Billy pulled away and ran ahead, laughing. “This is fun Annie. We’re on a ‘venture.”

A fallen tree blocked their path so Annie hurdled the toppled trunk that Billy had already scrambled over. The wind whipped and blistered her cheeks. Annie stooped to tie her shoe that kept coming undone. Yeah a great ‘venture.

“Billy, wait up for me. See that hut up ahead? Let’s race to see who gets their first before we get drenched.”

“Okay, but I’ll beat you.” Billy yelled.

Annie reached the porch just before the clouds poured water like an open faucet. Annie touched the door of the grisly looking cabin and it creaked open.

Annie scanned the room. A mouse scurried across the floor with Billy right behind on all fours. Spider-webs draped the sparse furniture, walls and ceiling. Branches began to screech across the windowpane, which caused her to shudder.

Billy rose from the floor and sat in one of the rickety wooden chairs. “Are you scared, Annie? It’s getting dark outside.”

Annie was frightened, but she didn’t want Billy to know. “Come here Billy. We’ll be all right. Someone will come looking for us. If we have to stay her all night at least there’s a candle and some matches. There’s an old bed over there in the corner if we get tired. Let’s pray that someone will find us soon, okay?”

Four-year-old Billy got down on his knees and felt for Annie’s hand. Annie knelt also and was about to pray, but before she could begin she heard, “Dear Lord Jesus, we’re scared. We’re lost. Please come find us. In Jesus’ name, ah…”

There was a knock at the door. Billy hurried to answer it. He opened the door and an elderly man with long hair and a beard stood before Billy on the step. "Annie, it's Jesus. He found us."